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Sample of an Agreement Letter between Two Parties

An agreement letter is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of an agreement between two parties. This document is an essential tool for ensuring that both parties understand their responsibilities and obligations. It is also a crucial component of any business transaction.

When drafting an agreement letter, both parties must ensure that the document is clear, concise and contains all the necessary information. Here is a sample of an agreement letter between two parties.

Agreement Letter Sample

Dear [Party 1],

This letter is to confirm our agreement to [state the purpose of the agreement]. We, [Party 1] and [Party 2], have agreed to the following terms and conditions:

1. Scope of work

[Outline the activities that each party will undertake and clearly specify the scope of work].

2. Payment

[Specify the payment details, including the payment amount, payment frequency, and payment method].

3. Duration of agreement

[Specify the duration of the agreement and any renewal terms].

4. Confidentiality

[Specify the confidentiality provisions and any restrictions on the use of confidential information].

5. Termination

[State the conditions upon which either party can terminate the agreement].

6. Governing law

[Specify the governing law that will apply to the agreement].

7. Signatures

[Include signatures from both parties to confirm their acceptance of the terms and conditions of the agreement].

We are confident that this agreement will be beneficial to both parties and that we will work together to achieve our goals. If you have any questions or concerns about this agreement, please do not hesitate to contact us.


[Party 1]

[Party 2]


In conclusion, an agreement letter is a legal document that is important for any business transaction. The sample agreement letter outlined above should serve as a guide when creating your own agreement letter. Remember to ensure that the document is clear, concise and contains all the necessary information. By doing so, both parties will have a clear understanding of their responsibilities and obligations, thereby preventing any misunderstandings or disputes.

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