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Agreement and Schedule of Conditions of Nominated Supply Contract for Use in the Hksar

Agreement and Schedule of Conditions of Nominated Supply Contract for Use in the HKSAR: A Guide

A nominated supply contract is a common type of contract used in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), particularly in the construction industry. This contract involves a buyer (usually the government or a major contractor) selecting a supplier for a particular product or service, usually through a competitive tendering process. The supplier then enters into a contract with the buyer, agreeing to supply the product or service at an agreed price and within a specified timeframe.

If you are involved in a nominated supply contract in the HKSAR, it is important to understand the key components of the contract and the schedule of conditions that govern the supply process. In this article, we will walk you through the essential elements of a nominated supply contract and provide guidance on how to ensure your contract is legally sound and optimized for search engines.

Parties to the Contract

The first section of a nominated supply contract should clearly identify the parties involved in the contract. This includes the buyer (sometimes referred to as the « owner » or « principal ») and the supplier (also known as the « contractor » or « subcontractor »). Make sure that the names and addresses of both parties are clearly stated, along with their respective roles and responsibilities under the contract.

Scope of Work

The scope of work section defines the product or service being supplied under the contract. This section should be detailed and specific about what the supplier is required to deliver, including any specifications, drawings, or technical requirements. It should also specify any testing or quality control requirements that the supplier must comply with.

Price and Payment Terms

The price and payment terms section outlines the financial aspects of the contract, including the agreed price for the product or service, any variations or changes to the price, and the payment schedule. This section should also clarify the payment method (e.g. bank transfer, cheque) and the timeline for payment, including any penalties for late payment.

Delivery and Acceptance

The delivery and acceptance section specifies the timeframe for delivery, the delivery location, and any conditions or requirements for delivery. It also outlines the process for acceptance of the product or service, including any testing, inspection, or certification requirements.

Warranties and Indemnities

The warranties and indemnities section outlines the supplier`s obligations to guarantee the quality and fitness for purpose of the product or service being supplied. This section also specifies any indemnification or liability provisions that protect the buyer in the event of any defects or problems with the product or service.

Termination and Dispute Resolution

The termination and dispute resolution section specifies the process for terminating the contract, including for breach of contract or other reasons. It also outlines the process for resolving any disputes that may arise under the contract, including whether mediation or arbitration will be used.

Schedule of Conditions

The schedule of conditions is a key part of the nominated supply contract, as it outlines specific requirements that must be met by the supplier. This includes technical specifications, quality control standards, delivery requirements, and any other terms or conditions that the buyer wants to impose on the supplier. Before signing the contract, make sure you carefully review and understand the schedule of conditions to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes later on.

SEO Considerations

When drafting a nominated supply contract for use in the HKSAR, it`s important to ensure that it is optimized for search engines. This means incorporating relevant keywords and phrases into the contract language and structure, as well as ensuring that the document is well-organized and easy to read. This will help ensure that the contract is easily searchable and accessible online, which can be important for contractors looking to win new business in the HKSAR.


A nominated supply contract is a complex legal document that requires careful drafting and review. By understanding the key components of the contract and the schedule of conditions, you can ensure that your contract is legally sound and meets the requirements of both parties. And by optimizing your contract for search engines, you can increase its visibility and accessibility online, potentially leading to more business opportunities in the HKSAR.

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